service for the future

DC INDUSTRIES is a professional partner for its customers in providing sorting and repair services. Thanks to years of experience in the field of quality in the automotive industry, qualified personnel, continuous efforts to improve, accurate understanding of processes and high demands of customers, it enables us to be your reliable partner.
DC INDUSTRIES guarantees its customers high quality of service and professional approach to their tasks. DC INDUSTRIES is certified according to ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016.
reducing the cost of our customers
process stabilization
elimination of errors, their analysis and definitive elimination
continuous development
long-term experience in quality assurance in the automotive industry
knowledge of the largest OEM processes competitive prices
stable and safe processes
stable and qualified staff
flexibility and fast reaction time
standardized documentation

DC INDUSTRIES complies with the statutory insurance for damages if the Insured is obliged to compensate them in connection with the: „Testing, Measurement, Analysis and Inspection“ aktivity or in connection with
a defect in the product that was placed on the market or defective work will take effect after its handover. And including net financial damage from defective work. Insurance is agreed up to
5 000 000 czk.

DC INDUSTRIES inc. has taken irreplaceable spot in services sector these days. The
most important criterions of rating company´s success are quality and precise
fulfillment of service delivery deadlines for customers. DC INDUSTRIES inc. is paying
special attention for these criterions. Means of achieving the objectives such as quality
of sevices and customer satisfaction are to introduce the controlling system of quality
which will be requisite to an international standard ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016
Contact us
Heroltická 5449/19
586 01 Jihlava
Czech Republic
ID: 07534876
VAT ID: CZ07534876
tel.: +420 724 321 280
email: info@dcindustries.cz